Angela's Addiction - Incoherent ramblings of a scrapper

Friday, September 08, 2006

My Little Mermaid

This post is basically one that includes something that I want to remember and if I don't write it down now, I'd lose this piece of cuteness forever. I'll admit it right now, I have a very bad memory. :) The following was a conversation that I had with my 4 year old daughter earlier today.

Liz: "Mommy, I really want to be a mermaid."
Mommy: "You really want to live in the ocean with the fishies?"
Liz: "No, I'm going to live with you forever."
Mommy: "I don't think a mermaid can live out of water very long. Will you live in the bathtub?"
Liz: "M-O-M! I will have legs when I'm not swimming. You can just drive me to the ocean when I want to go."
Mommy: "Oh, how silly of me."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just the cutest ! I got one for ya ! Once my littlest said Im not worried about mommy dying !
Why is that honey !?
Im just gonna pour Pepsi on you if you die "Havent you heard Come alive your in the Pepsi generation !!!!
I like their world so much better !

6:26 PM  

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