Angela's Addiction - Incoherent ramblings of a scrapper

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Missing my "babies"

My 2 darling children just left for 2 weeks at my in-laws house. 12 hours away. It is just too quiet with them gone. They were so happy to see Nana, but as they got into the van to leave, my son starting screaming "I can't leave my Mommy!" Oh how that hurt. He wanted to go, but is feeling really anxious since Daddy is overseas. My poor baby felt like he was losing Mommy too. :( They both screamed & cried all the way down the drive way. My heart was breaking as they sped down the street.

At noon, I called my sister-in-law's cell to get an update & the kids were doing great. They were eating well and chattering away. My little guy promised that he'd call me at bed time to "tuck" me in. :) I am looking forward to that call so much. This is so hard and I cannot believe that I agreed to let them go for that long without me. What was I thinking? It's only been 6 hours and I'm already climbing the walls.

Here is a photo of them checking out a leaf. LOL Just so you can see how cute they are. ;)



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